About company Veles

The company “Veles-Agro” was founded in uneasy for Ukraine and all former republics of the Soviet Union times. In 1996, when in all spheres of human activity has been viewed footprint grand disintegration and there was no clear line of young, independent State, it was difficult to start something new, radically different from the Soviet traditions of daily life and production.

The company “Veles-Agro”: yesterday, today and tomorrow

In difficult economic conditions, the industrial giants of the Union with their obsolete equipment was not easy to be reconstructed to meet the needs of a new, competitive market. Many of them have ceased operations, leaving thousands out of work of its employees. It was then that the company “Veles-Agro” loudly declared itself in the domestic engineering industry, occupying vacant, but a promising niche market of tillage equipment.

Today LLC “Veles-Agro LTD.” Takes a worthy place in the rating of the best Ukrainian producers. During the existence of the brand we were able to:

  • modernize production;
  • to significantly expand the range of products;
  • expand into new markets;
  • earned recognition in Ukraine and far beyond its borders.

Despite the fact that we have got to strengthen its position in the domestic and international market, gain the trust of many customers, we do not plan to stop there. When you create a new highly technical units for processing of soil, our engineers and designers take into account the needs of the agricultural market and apply the latest engineering technology. We make every effort to improve production today to tomorrow, together with our partners confidently continue their journey to a better future!

The formula for success in Ukrainian from the company “Veles-Agro”!

Many contemporaries the question arises: how the company managed with the overall decline in production not only to survive, but also to continue to move forward? In fact, the success of the recipe is simple, and includes all of the known “ingredients”:

A wide range of products

Company “Veles-Agro” serial production of more than 150 units and components to the engineering of domestic and foreign production, satisfying the needs of modern households.

New materials and technologies

Our technologists managed to master the technology of molding on burnt models, making it possible to use unit-cast parts in the production of finished products. Special boron steel processing technology provides a significantly longer service life of disks that are part of the design of tillage equipment. Unique machines with artificial intelligence ensures maximum accuracy vytachivaniya details. In the course of every detail and the mechanism are subject to rigorous quality control.

Modernization of production and competent personnel policy

Cultivation Equipment “Veles-Agro” is going on modern production lines, equipped with the latest technology. Our team of professionals timely respond to market needs and has adopted the latest trends in the global machinery that allows us to deliver to the market the new current patterns of tillage and seeding equipment.

Continued expansion of the geography of deliveries

We were able to start supplying products in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and Africa. In addition, we are constantly in contact with the best domestic and foreign suppliers of materials and components to be able to offer customers a truly high-quality equipment at reasonable prices.

Sustainable competitive advantage of products of “Veles-Agro LTD.” Is based on a professional approach to the organization of production and loyal pricing policy. Buy we have parts for machinery imported much cheaper than original parts delivered to Ukraine. We constantly update the range of products to meet market needs, so it is always ready to offer the customer the most suitable option for a wide range of applications! stable service support and guarantee to all customers!

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Кредитування сільськогосподарської техніки від Велес Агро.

11.02.2020, 18:24

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